Sunday, October 24, 2010

i am never being a good looking person

i am a type of person that didn't love the mirror...basically, sometimes i do hate it.

usually, when i wake up in the morning, i keep  wondering why i didn't a really good looking face. i have normal looking face, which can be rank 5 out of the 10 (or maybe less).

i never amazed others with my looking, and i am not the man's type girl. i am never (less) be contacted by a man, and i not the type of girl although i have bf or husband (yet), i am still be lovable to other man.

it is NEVER happen~

 so, i wonder where i get the self-confident??  

 it is all thanks to my mummy, because when i was a little girl, she always ask(more to forcing) to go up of the stage, to speak in front of audience, to sing alone in the stage, to give joke in front of others and many more(s)~ and from the stage i build up my self confident. 

i am mischief, friendly and love to smile. it is the only way how other can be attracted to me. 

i love to learn. i want to be so good and intelligence, so everything will be the cover the my just normal looks.

who said people never judge a book by its cover???
it is never true..because the people only love the good looking person.

so, the best thing is you need to be more good, create a really great package of you, and tell others, even i not good looking person, but i much BETTER than you!

3 comments on "i am never being a good looking person"

SnoW cRysTaL on October 26, 2010 at 4:45 AM said...

very least u got the ability to talk.Aku?nak bagi pandangan pun ayat terbelit2..
ingat aku sorang je pikir mcam tu...huhu

ang benci cermin,aku benci camera...hahaha

n aku x de pn talent2,bg ucapan,jadik leader..mcam ang

but i know I'm not alone in this world...peace =)

Fairuz Asmui on October 27, 2010 at 7:57 AM said...

and from where did i got my self confident???

Anonymous said...

everyone is gifted

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